Leadership of an association may, at times, seem like a lonely, thankless task.  It can be made significantly more enjoyable and less arduous if you consistently report to the membership by whom, and from which, you were elected.  Maintaining a high level of responsive contact with the membership reinforces community understanding of your fiduciary duty, encourages greater volunteer participation, and builds a greater sense of community. Essential to maintaining a sense of community is the development of a common vision for the Association, establishing the goals needed to realize that vision, and developing performance standards to assess your accomplishments.


Facilitate mission statement preparation, and goal setting, upon election to the Board or at the first organizational meeting of a new Board.   

Disseminate the Board’s articulated goal objectives to all members of the Association.

Assist Board in developing, conducting and evaluating program performance, based on quantifiable standards of accomplishment.


Provide 24/7 emergency telephone access to on-call management personnel, including procedures for contacting all essential service contractors.

Assist Board in developing prudent emergency response procedures.

Maintain a roster of unit owners and tenants and provide regular updates to Board Members or unit owners in the format choice.


Provide primary point of contact for owners and residents to place service requests, file issues needing Board attention, or obtain general information or contractor referrals. 

 Assist Board in responding to unit owners’ questions or concerns, and provide suggestions for possible problem resolution between or among unit owners.

Assist the Board in delivering needed information to all unit owners, including Board notices, meeting actions, and changes in the Association’s Rules and Regulations.

Provide web site link and e-mail address for all ProCAM of Maryland personnel for easy electronic filling of service requests, problem notification, violation reports, performance feedback and or survey material.

Assist Board in developing and disseminating minutes and meeting agendas including regular and annual meeting notices.